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Approximations of pathwise dynamics of infinite dimensional random dynamical system

发文单位:数学与软件科学学院  发布时间:2018年05月10日 08 : 44 : 16
讲座题目:Approximations of pathwise dynamics of infinite dimensional random dynamical system
讲座时间:2018/5/12 9:30:00
主讲人 :王小虎 教 授
王小虎,男,1982年生。四川大学数学学院教授。美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员。2010年获四川大学理学博士学位。2013.8-2014.8访问美国杨百翰大学。先后主持国家自然科学基金两项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目一项。现已在SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, J. Differential Equations,Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 等国际专业学术期刊上发表论文十余篇。研究方向:随机微分方程、泛函微分方程、随机动力系统。

Abstract: We investigate the pathwise dynamics of reaction diffusion equations and lattice system driven by the Wong-Zakai approximations defined as a stationary process given by the Wiener shift. We prove the existence and uniqueness of tempered random attractors for the approximate equations with a large class of nonlinear diffusion terms where the existence of such attractors for the original stochastic equations is unknown. We also establish the relations between the dynamics of the approximate random equations and the original systems by showing the upper semicontinuity of random attractors. The talk are based on the joint works with Kening Lu, Bixiang Wang and Jun Shen.